mobile phone
  • 品牌:Lovetoy
  • 型號:LV1665
  • 庫存: 暫時缺貨
  • 重量:0.00g
  • 積分:0
  • HK$45
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'磨砂後庭灌洗器(迷你形)容易使用,可擠壓的燈泡狀泵柔軟舒適,具有防滑表面,輕輕一抓便可泵 / 灌入清水。幼長泵嘴杆容易插入,享受方便、安全、衛生的後庭樂。

- 頭部硬膠,瓶身為矽膠
- 後庭灌腸清洗
- 高貴暗黑色
- 容易使用
- 人體安全物料
- 可容納 5.4 盎司的水
- 泵嘴可插入長度:2.2寸

This effective anal douche is so easy to use with a soft squeezable bulb making it an absolute essential for fans of anal toys and anal sex.
Douche before anal fun or sex for a clean fresh and pleasurable experience.
Apply water-based anal lube on the nozzle gives extra glide during insertion and adjust the angle of your body by a tiny wiggle of your bottom for a comfortable fit.

- Easy-to-use and effective anal douche for intimate cleansing and hygienic anal play
- Firmly squeeze the bulb to suck in and expel water for effective anal cleaning
- A contoured nozzle stem makes insertion comfortable and easy
- Body-safe material with a non-slip finish for extra grip during use
- Holds up to 5.4 fl. oz of water
- Insertable Length: 2.2"



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